Friday, December 25, 2009

:} what it do shawty? lol
So I have this friend. This spring he expressed to me that he was gay and why I found it pretty damn hard to believe, I did come to terms with it. And then here comes the boyfriend scenario: After months of bad decisions, fights, and jealousy, he finally gets a man! and im like super happy for him and everything.
Now comes the fiery pits of hell: every time I turned around it was SOMETHING going on. Either his boyfriend hated one of his friends, complained they weren't spending enough time, constantly whining about his lack of self worth, etc.
And then I had an epiphany: If yall are truly in love and meant to be, Why in the hell are you jumping through hoops and damn near dying to be together?
Something wasn't right.
True love isn't effortless and there will be plenty of struggle but being in a relationship shouldn't bring you more pain than pleasure. I cant stand for people to sit there and complain or lay out all the negative aspects of their relationships when it's very obvious that it just aint working! God wants us all to be happy and while I do believe he won't hand us everything we desire he won't make us jump through the fiery pits of hell to find happiness either.
ever heard of what god has for me it is for me?
if you are in a relationship and you find yourself fighting like hell to maintain happiness you aren't "fighting for love" or "proving he/she is the one"
But i guess this is where knowing your self worth and value comes in.
Today was/is Christmas(idk what time it is).
Lets just say it was uh bitter sweet? This year I cooked basically the whole Christmas dinner and I had no problems with it. But what I didn have a problem with is my grandmother harassing me and getting on my nerves all day. It's really getting to the point where I cant stand her old behind. its funny too because she used to be my favorite family member. All i know is people better get right because they only have (looks at watch) a little less than two years left to be graced in my presence? hmph. I'm looking forward to the new year and the many changes that'll come along with it. I think the biggest thing I struggled with this year was friends. I'm just a bad decision maker when it comes to that. Still looking for that bestie that know is out there somewhere. Dating: uh i don't forsee it being an issue in 2010. I just dont have the time or energy to put into a relationship and I don't slack on anything I do so it's best to leave it alone if I know i can't fully commit. The crush i better fade away or someone will have some hell to pay! lmao
I think that's it?
xoxo Tasia


  1. oh lord. ok, let me see what i have to say.
    the whole first part with the relationship and stuff. man, idk. at first, i was kinda like they're not right for eachother or whatever because R is making K change alot and for the worse. i mean, look at everything he's been through. but then again, idk. J is just really happy about being around R, so it seems selfish if i say they shouldn't be together. in the end, i just want J to be safe and happy, so i'll leave it up to him until he really fucks something up.

    tell krabby patty she needs to stop tripping if that's who you're talking about. my christmas was boring, i guess.

    girl, i hope you succeed in your best friend search, but know i'll always be there, even if we be about to bite eachother's heads off from spending every hour of school together.

    AND LOVE CAN KISS MY LEFT BOOTY CHEEK. sometimes, i don't even think it exists, but then i remember college will bring SO many new opportunities, so i'll just have to wait! man, IB needs to be the only crush i have right about now.

  2. dude when I say I'm excited for college i mean that shit! lmao
    if i cant find a man in school i'[m destined to be a lesbian |:
    the whole J and R thing is just a headache. it hurts me to know that he puts EVERYTHING on the line for this relationship when others can find love so easily. it makes me wonder: is he really the one?
    I just hope his situation gets better because truly when yall hurt i hurt too.
    ily pham, with your big ass forehead.

  3. wellll about the J&R thing |: just because it makes you happy, doesn't mean it's good for you. candy makes me happy. but then it makes me ugly. and smoking makes alot of people happy. but then they die from it.

    so like, i agree with the whole jumping through flaming hoops thing. it's not really worth all that in my opinion if you have to fight jesus down. that's not my bias speaking btw. i totally agree |: which is why if i find i like someone, i'm going to make sure we agree in most of the criteria. if we don't, ttyl. i can be celibate ;D

    i hope school's not too hard on you! you only have like, a year and a half left. sooo you can do it! :D get into a good college, get a good degree, and be balllinnnn.
